Sunday, May 19, 2013

Food for Thought

Yeah, maybe this sounds cheesy but I really think it's true, and I really think I'm one of the first people to have said this, at least in these words. But yes, good people do good things but I think people become genuinely good people through the good deeds they do.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Question Game

What do you do when people say "follow your heart; do something you love" but the one thing you thought you loved for the past 5 or 6 years you recently discovered you don't love anymore. What makes you happy? blah blah blah. So I'm on the path to self discovery and I've found that in order to find yourself you kind of need to have some insight into yourself (which I have none of) so I found this list of questions and I'm going to answer them all for you. In case you were curious. kcooool.

So this is from a website called career center. It's obviously then about picking a career, not a major, which is what I need, but I figure, it's somewhere to start right?

1) What are my priorities when picking a career? Happiness- I want to be happy in whatever job I do. Also money- yeah, it sounds stuck up. I was spoiled as a kid; I want to spoil my kids.
2) What are my interests? Well, I like soccer, athletics, kids, making other people happy, baking, singing, dancing, laughing
3) Do I have dreams and ambitions? No...? To get married, have a family, be able to spoil them, make them happy, have a job-be successful in that job, love my family with all my heart
4) What are my inborn talents? Good question... um. I can read? does that count? No...I guess I have a pretty good voice... I'm good at knowing absolutely nothing about myself, assuming responsibility over a group (like group projects, etc. etc.)
5) What are my skills? I am good at soccer, sleeping, or staying up till 3 am...
6) Am I willing to pay for the price for a particular job when picking a career? What does that even mean? I suppose it depends on the price 
7) What are my likes and dislikes? I don't know, I'm an 18 year old girl, the things I like are clothes and kittens and puppies and boys and shoes and my family and friends.
8) How much do I need to earn? Enough to spoil my family
9) Where do I want to live? California
10) What lifestyle do I want? A comfortable, laid back but not like hippie/druggie/don't have a care in the world laid back, just normal, like I was raised.
11) What motivates me? My boyfriend, as stupid as that sounds but he is one of the only people that actually motivates me, my dad, I just want to make him happy, specific things, like I want to earn my playing time for soccer and play in every game (which I did, wooo!)
12) What is my long-term plan in picking a career? Find something somewhere in the world that I love.
13) Why do I need a career change at this point in my life? Because I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing with my life...
14) What has sparked my interest in this field? WHAT FIELD?!?!?!?! I haven't said a field yet....
15) Could I do volunteer work in this area to test-drive the potential career?  I could... If I had a particular field that I knew I was talking about
16) Will I need to further my education to do this work? Good question, again, still have no clue what this work even is yet
17) Am I willing to start at the bottom and work my way up? Probably should be, working on being able to say yes to this one
18) How much job security do I need to make the switch? I wanna know that I'm not gonna lose my job for quite awhile so I can have a steady and successful job to support my family.
19) Do I have a support system to deal with the risk and changes this will create in my life? My family, my best friend, my boyfriend, so yes. 
20) How much longer do I want to be in the workforce? Probably for a very long time, at least to retirement I'm sure, I think I would be way too bored with my life if I didn't keep working. 
So here's the thing. I did all this right? I'm not really sure it has helped me at all, but hey, now you know some fun facts about me, I play soccer, I want a family, that's all the insight I've had into myself for a long long time. Hopefully something good will come out of this.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Let's Give 'Em Somethin' to Blog About

Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo

So exciting news y'all! I got a job! What? Yeah, who'da thunk??

I'm starting in probably a week. Wanna know something crazy? I just get the basic rules and guidelines and I'm off to the races, no training really whatsoever. I had orientation today, including myself, there are eleven new employees. We all just filled out some paperwork and we're set to be put on the schedule soon. Crazy right? I thought so. Hopefully I won't end up spending my entire paycheck on new clothes, I mean hey, I get a discount soooo.... right? mmm.. betta nawt. I'm saving up for this really cool birthday surprise! :p shhh don't tell!

So I'm sitting here wondering what I should even blog about, right? What am I even supposed to say? It's not like I have much interesting insight about the world right now... hmm...

Okay well I can explain the title. Yeah, I'll start with that.
So "Let's Give 'Em Somethin' to Blog About." Clever. But why that you may ask. Well originally I had this ingenious idea of what to blog about, but I forgot. *good job Paige* anywho. I thought it was clever and i still wanted to use it. So I figured that now if I use it and have absolutely nothing to say, then it's quite ironic, and therefore funny, and therefore, still clever.

So, if you've gotten this far, you're probably now asking yourself, "Why the heck am I still reading this...??" Probably because I'm funny? Or intriguing? Really I'm not quite sure why you're still here, however, if you are, THANKS A MILLION.

So I guess I'll pose you all this question (If anyone is still here).

What do you want me to blog about? Let's give ME somethin' to blog about. A topic, a question, a person, a subject, an object, a prepositional phrase (LOL again with the clever), maybe you're question is, "Why the heck does she laugh at all her own jokes??" My answer to you is this: I am a funny lady. Anyway, seriously, give me a topic or something, that'd be pretty cool. :)

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Apple Tree My Prison

duh duh duhhhhh.
So it's finals week. And its 4 in the morning. And I obviously should be studying. But really, who does that anymore these days?? So I thought I'd just see if I have anything interesting to say instead. However, i don't think I do.
Really though, I know about zero people who actually, legitimately study, weeks in advance for tests, finals, etc. Other than that, everyone crams. Maybe that works? Hey, I do it so I should know right? Ehh.. debatable.
I'm moving out of my favorite place in the world tomorrow! The dorms! Oh how I will miss them so!
and here's your sign.
It is amazing to me how quickly this year went by. It seems only yesterday I was at my first day of training camp for soccer, and now I'm here, already preparing for next year. And by that I don't mean right now. Obviously, since its 4 a.m. and I'm "studying for biology." I really should be, I could pull out an A. All of it is stuff I should know though. The questions won't be anything like what's in the book, or what we talked about in class, as usual, so I guess we'll see how it goes?
Oh, and there's still psychology left to do. Except that's a partner final. And I'm actually really good at that class. Like... really good. Which is kind of weird to me. Good thing there's not much to do with psychology unless you get a doctorate. Not about that life. But I do think that it is incredibly interesting. I however, am in search of something that is both practical and satisfying. Which leaves me very slim pickings...

Let's say life is an apple tree, and the apples in this case are jobs. I don't want to pick an apple from the bottom of the tree, everyone picks those, they aren't anything special, just your generic red apple. They're so easy to get to, everyone has them. Your general business and marketing degrees, public relations, you get the gist. Why would I want that apple. Then there's the apples at the top of the tree. Psychologists, philosophers, those types of professions. How often do those get picked??? Rarely. Not many people are in search of those apples. We're looking for some middle ground (or middle tree) here. Something not everyone gets, but not something outrageous. However, keep in mind, I'm not going to want to cut up this apple or make sure it is approved by the FDA, I don't want to argue or persuade anyone for or about my apple. I just want to eat it and enjoy it. Is that too much to ask? If only there was an appledicator (like an eggdicator from Willy Wonka...anyone? no? okay.) that was specific to me. I could pick any apple, set it on the appledicator, and it would toss any one that was not the perfect job (apple) for me. Now I'm really not sure where this metaphor is going... but really, shouldn't we have already come up with something that assesses each person's strengths and weaknesses along with their likes and dislikes and create (or even just find) the perfect job for them? That would be nice to have.

Anyone read Coleridge's The Lime Tree Bower My Prison? It's actually pretty good. The apple tree is my prison. And I'm hoping that soon a rook will fly by and give me some answer or direction or something to get out of this prison. Yeah if you think about it, my weird metaphor could be really beautiful. I can pick absolutely any apple I want. Look at how many there are, all so sweet and crispy, all perfect and unique. That's beautiful right? NO. Why can't one just hit me on the head and say, "Paige, this is what you are supposed to do with your life, get started." I'm not a decision maker. So many apples, so many choices, that is my prison. I can't escape decision making.

Anywho, now that I've gone off on some random tangent about apples and my career and I'm sure it made little to no sense to the .000001% of the population reading this (thanks by the way ☺) I think it's time for me to get back to work.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away?

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Passion (through suffering and love)

The Latin meaning for passion is suffering. This comes from the suffering of Christ on the cross. His love is the reason he sacrificed his everything for us, for me.

I had never thought about passion this way before. I came across a webpage ( that really showed me that passion is the suffering Christ went through because of his infinite love for us. I think this is so amazing and such a wonderful epiphany to have come across.

It's about the suffering. That's where the passion comes from. It comes from the suffering we face, the trials we struggle against and overcome. The passion bleeds out from the hurt. It isn't something we have to look for, it is something that is already here and inside of us. It is our tribulations and pains and how we beat these difficult things.

 Now how do we realize our passion then? What if we haven't faced any troubles? What if everything in life has been handed to us since the day we were born? I've never really considered myself spoiled, but when I look back on it, I was more spoiled than any person I know. I haven't had to work for much of anything in my life. Yes, maybe I have had to work for that A on the test instead of a B or the starting spot on the soccer team instead of a substitute. But what is that really? Compared to some of the things people have had to face in this world. I look back and now I wish more than almost anything that I wasn't as spoiled. Even though I didn't know how spoiled I was until now, I have finally seen it as both a blessing and a curse. It has been so wonderful having the support and help of my parents through everything, but I can't seem to find the drive I need.

I need the drive to accomplish something. Anything. I want to want to do something with my life. But right now it seems almost impossible to find. Yes, it would be cool to climb Mt. Everest or play professional soccer, but this just doesn't seem like anything realistic for me. Even just to run a marathon. If I had the drive to train for a marathon, that would be the coolest thing.

Who knows how I am going to find this drive, how I am going to find my passion. I know God has a plan for me and my life, and it is better than anything I could ever imagine, sometimes I just wish I knew, but I know I just have to leave it all up to the Lord, after all, he is passion in every single definition.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Love is an Ink-less Pen

We throw around the word love so often. I'm sure that most people say love more than once a day to or about someone or something they do not truly love. Oh you "love" video games? Really? defines love as:


  [luhv]  noun, verb, loved, lov·ing.
a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.
sexual passion or desire.
a person toward whom love is felt; beloved person; sweetheart.
(used in direct address as a term of endearment, affection, or the like): Would you like to see a movie,love?

So you "love" your video games? You have a profound, tender, passionate affection for them? Or do you have a warm personal feeling of attachment or deep affection for them. I would assume you don't have a sexual passion or desire for them? Or might your games be able to feel love, your games are a sweetheart? Or do you refer to your games as "love", "Oh hey I'm just gonna go play my love, Halo, real quick."? No?
So you don't love your video games then, right?

Maybe that's not all love is, maybe there is more than just that textbook definition, but that at least gives us somewhere to start.

Well what about our friends? We tell them we love them all the time. Not saying you can't love your friends. Very possible. But do we truly love every friend we say we love? I can't imagine we do. We throw the word around so trivially. It means nothing most time we say it. I enjoy spending times with my friends. I take delight in their presence. But do I really, truly love them? Some, yes. Most, love might be too strong a word for that.

The Bible defines love too.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.

Love is not self-seeking, it is not proud, it keeps no record of wrongs. That is some powerful stuff right there. And just to throw it around the way we do? It seems unacceptable to me.

So why do we do it?
Blame it on the English language? We don't have enough words to differentiate how we feel? Well the amount of words in the English language is so hard to determine because there are so many, and we keep adding new words every day. That can't be it.
Maybe we just haven't experienced real love? That's a person to person thing though. And I know plenty of people who claim to love things that may not deserve love, like a pair of shoes or a favorite food, who say they do know what love is because they have experienced it.
Honestly, I can't tell you why we do it. But we all do; I do it all the time. I wish I didn't but sometimes we slip up.

Maybe we need to clear some things up.
Love is not infatuation (foolish or all-absorbing passion).
Love is not lust (intense sexual desire).
Love is not enjoyment (a particular form or source of pleasure)

We use the word love so much that it becomes old, meaningless, useless; it becomes like an old ink-less pen.     We can throw the empty pen around, for what? But the pen is useless and if we are not careful, soon all love will be is an ink-less pen. Cold and empty, no true meaning. But that's not what I want love to be. I want love to be passionate, to be caring, to be amazing and wonderful, not to be self-seeking, to not be jealous or keep records of wrongs. I want love to be happy, truthful, important, meaningful. I want love to be real. I believe that love, the real, true, pure emotion of love is the most powerful thing in the world.