Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Let's Give 'Em Somethin' to Blog About

Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo

So exciting news y'all! I got a job! What? Yeah, who'da thunk??

I'm starting in probably a week. Wanna know something crazy? I just get the basic rules and guidelines and I'm off to the races, no training really whatsoever. I had orientation today, including myself, there are eleven new employees. We all just filled out some paperwork and we're set to be put on the schedule soon. Crazy right? I thought so. Hopefully I won't end up spending my entire paycheck on new clothes, I mean hey, I get a discount soooo.... right? mmm.. betta nawt. I'm saving up for this really cool birthday surprise! :p shhh don't tell!

So I'm sitting here wondering what I should even blog about, right? What am I even supposed to say? It's not like I have much interesting insight about the world right now... hmm...

Okay well I can explain the title. Yeah, I'll start with that.
So "Let's Give 'Em Somethin' to Blog About." Clever. But why that you may ask. Well originally I had this ingenious idea of what to blog about, but I forgot. *good job Paige* anywho. I thought it was clever and i still wanted to use it. So I figured that now if I use it and have absolutely nothing to say, then it's quite ironic, and therefore funny, and therefore, still clever.

So, if you've gotten this far, you're probably now asking yourself, "Why the heck am I still reading this...??" Probably because I'm funny? Or intriguing? Really I'm not quite sure why you're still here, however, if you are, THANKS A MILLION.

So I guess I'll pose you all this question (If anyone is still here).

What do you want me to blog about? Let's give ME somethin' to blog about. A topic, a question, a person, a subject, an object, a prepositional phrase (LOL again with the clever), maybe you're question is, "Why the heck does she laugh at all her own jokes??" My answer to you is this: I am a funny lady. Anyway, seriously, give me a topic or something, that'd be pretty cool. :)

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