Saturday, May 4, 2013

Passion (through suffering and love)

The Latin meaning for passion is suffering. This comes from the suffering of Christ on the cross. His love is the reason he sacrificed his everything for us, for me.

I had never thought about passion this way before. I came across a webpage ( that really showed me that passion is the suffering Christ went through because of his infinite love for us. I think this is so amazing and such a wonderful epiphany to have come across.

It's about the suffering. That's where the passion comes from. It comes from the suffering we face, the trials we struggle against and overcome. The passion bleeds out from the hurt. It isn't something we have to look for, it is something that is already here and inside of us. It is our tribulations and pains and how we beat these difficult things.

 Now how do we realize our passion then? What if we haven't faced any troubles? What if everything in life has been handed to us since the day we were born? I've never really considered myself spoiled, but when I look back on it, I was more spoiled than any person I know. I haven't had to work for much of anything in my life. Yes, maybe I have had to work for that A on the test instead of a B or the starting spot on the soccer team instead of a substitute. But what is that really? Compared to some of the things people have had to face in this world. I look back and now I wish more than almost anything that I wasn't as spoiled. Even though I didn't know how spoiled I was until now, I have finally seen it as both a blessing and a curse. It has been so wonderful having the support and help of my parents through everything, but I can't seem to find the drive I need.

I need the drive to accomplish something. Anything. I want to want to do something with my life. But right now it seems almost impossible to find. Yes, it would be cool to climb Mt. Everest or play professional soccer, but this just doesn't seem like anything realistic for me. Even just to run a marathon. If I had the drive to train for a marathon, that would be the coolest thing.

Who knows how I am going to find this drive, how I am going to find my passion. I know God has a plan for me and my life, and it is better than anything I could ever imagine, sometimes I just wish I knew, but I know I just have to leave it all up to the Lord, after all, he is passion in every single definition.

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