Friday, July 11, 2014

It's Not Goodbye, Just See Ya Later: ADPi Internship 2K14

As the first goodbyes are said, and the first of tears are shed, our time in this office has officially come to an end. We all look back to the beginning. Eight complete strangers wander into the bunk room. The only thing we knew was that we were all stuck in one room and we were all interns at Alpha Delta Pi.

Who would have guessed that eight women would get so close in six short weeks. My time here has been completely life changing. Each and every day I found another reason to love this sorority. I felt challenged to grow, and by golly, I did! I formed relationships that will last longer than a lifetime and strengthened the bonds of sisterhood we all share.

The seven women I was lucky enough to share the summer with are inspiring. They are perfect role models and great leaders. I feel so blessed to be able to call them my sisters. I know that our love for Alpha Delta Pi and each other will bring us back.

It's never goodbye, just see ya later. ☺

Love and Loyally,

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