Monday, September 22, 2014

She's alive! She's alive! She is so alive!

8:00 am Monday morning, she rolls over to check the time. 8:00 am? She wants to be a little annoyed with how early it is but she can't; she feels perfectly rested, she woke up on her own, no alarms buzzing in the background. As standard in this day and age, she reaches for her phone and checks all the social media apps she can find before realizing there's no hope in going back to sleep. She hops out of bed and into the bathroom, brushing her teeth and hair and deciding today is a no make up day. She goes back to her room and pulls on the closest clean t-shirt she can find - she's definitely going for the comfortable look today. She grabs her backpack and computer and heads straight for Starbucks. "Grande caramel iced coffee and a lemon pound cake please," as she partakes in early morning exchanges with the barista. She gets her coffee, pulls out her computer, and begins to write. 

What a perfect way to begin the morning. Hello world, it’s actually me! I’m alive! You may be wondering where the heck I’ve been for the past two months, but don’t worry, I didn’t actually die – it only felt like it. I suppose here is where I begin a “life update” so to speak. I’ll let you in on all my happenings and whereabouts and such and tell you all my secrets from the past couple months! (wow so exciting right! …Obviously… my life is full of secrets *insert hair flip emoji and sarcastic face emoji*)

Now before I begin, why should you, a perfectly spectacular, random in all the best ways, typical human want to read this post (or blog in general) or even care about my “life update”. In a lot of ways, I really can’t answer that question. Maybe I’m crazy and that’s intriguing. Maybe, just maybe, I might say something interesting. It’s possible that I’ve faced something in my life that you can relate to and that gives you hope in knowing that you are NOT alone! (how exciting!) Or maybe my weird quirks just happen to be entertaining and I can put a smile on your face for even a short time.

Okay, but here’s the deal. Two months is a lot to sum up. So throughout the week (hopefully *fingers crossed*) I’ll be posting smaller posts about my life. WOOO! Get excited, because lemme tell ya, it’s pretty exciting! Okay? Okay. Class time now so I shall "see" you crazy, beautiful souls soon!

L8r friends 

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