Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Changed for Good

Hello hello hello! It sure has been busy here at EO and let me tell you, it has been wonderful and exhausting and amazing.

Leadership Seminar (LS) has come and gone and the week has been a fantastic blur. All week prior we spent frantically preparing last minute details and writing about 5 zillion violets!

What's a violet you might ask? Well, it's this little flower sticker that you stick onto your nametag at LS. They cost $5 and all the proceeds go to the Clasped Hands Fund which provides emergency grants to alumnae who have fallen on hard times. These emergency grants have helped sisters in need for thirty years, since the beginning of the Alpha Delta Pi Foundation, and the Foundation is committed to supporting sisters for many more years to come. The Alpha Delta Pi foundation sold over 6,000 violets at this summer meeting! What an amazing accomplishment!

The whole week was chock-full of great information about leadership and personal growth. There were four main points of focus: leading with self, leading with vision, leading with action, and leading with relationships. Each part was broken down into subsections where we were able to dive further into the topics and discuss how to be a better leader in each of those areas. It was truly an amazing experience. I am so excited to bring everything I learned back to my chapter this fall. 

My favorite topic of the sessions was on opening night. Beth Gentry Mannle, a former grand president, read through The Creed of Alpha Delta Pi. She did so in a way that explained how our creed matched our values and how we could lead by exemplifying each idea mentioned in our Creed.

I believe in Alpha Delta Pi. I believe that my sorority is more than a ritual or a symbol, that it is a way of life. I believe that the principles established by our founders in 1851 are enduring attributes exemplifying the highest ideals of Christian womanhood. I believe that our motto, "We live for each other" expresses the true spirit of fraternity and that by living this motto my life will be enriched by true friendships and unselfish service to mankind. I believe that the privilege of membership in Alpha Delta Pi bring the responsibility to do my best in whatever I undertake, always remembering that leadership requires confidence tempered with humility and courage blended with tolerance. I believe that I must strive to become a well balanced person by following the four dictates symbolized by the diamond shaped badge. First, strengthening my own personality and character, second, watching my attitude toward my fellow beings, third, recognizing the value of high educational standards, and fourth, developing faith and loyalty. I believe that these four guideposts, guarded by the stars and friendly hands clasped in the Adelphean bonds of fellowship will lead me to achieve a rich and useful life.

What an amazing creed. When I committed myself to Alpha Delta Pi, I committed myself to the values set forth in our creed. I committed to holding myself to a higher standard. I committed to becoming the best self that I can be. The Adelphean Compass program at Leadership Seminar focuses on leading (obviously) in such a way that you have a strong foundation in self. One has to be self aware and confident in themselves. She has to know her strengths and weakness, how she communicates and responds to different situations, before she can lead others. The program focused on knowing the individual before trying to lead a whole group. It was definitely a great learning experience from an Alpha Delta Pi perspective and a life perspective. 

Throughout my journey in Alpha Delta Pi I have been privileged with many amazing experiences and wonderful opportunities. Not only have I been able to attend conferences where I can develop life skills (like LS) but I have also been invited to sing at them.

I have loved to sing for as long as I can remember, and I'd like to think I'm pretty good. In any case, I was asked to be the song leader and lead the blessing at each meal this summer meeting. Truly an honor on its own. Not only that, but I was asked to sing (as entertainment ☺) as well! 

When I first began my journey in Alpha Delta Pi, Casey (one of my chapter sisters) and I decided to sing at our Installation banquet. Nothing special. We sang "For Good" from Wicked. It's a wonderful song. Truly beautiful and I love it. But that was all the value it had to me at the time. 

Well that was the song I sang Friday night at LS. Who knew that in two short years, I could have fallen so much in love with something. This organization has brought me so many amazing opportunities and experiences I can't even begin to explain. I feel like I have begun to change into the woman I want to be and I can see myself growing in positive directions, all the thanks I give to ADPi. She has truly shaped who I have become and I am so looking forward to a lifetime of membership in Alpha Delta Pi. This time around, the song was the same, but the emotions, completely different. I have met some outstanding chapter and alumnae members and I feel so blessed to call each and every one of them a sister. Thanks to Alpha Delta Pi, I truly believe that I have been changed for good.

       Love and Loyally,
       Paige ☺

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