Let me tell you the reason I discovered today.
First, let's talk about sisterhood. What is it?
According to dictionary.com:
an organization of women with a common interest, as for social, charitable, business, or politicalpurposes.
congenial relationship or companionship among women; mutual female esteem, concern, support, etc.
Now where do I begin to explain how it's so much more.
This morning, my exec. team at my chapter at school was talking in our GroupMe. A Leadership Consultant we had during our colonization had just finished facilitating a conference [UIFI] where they had values-based conversations and learned how to change their Ritual into their ritual (*note the capitalization difference☺). A couple years ago, that same Leadership Consultant posted in her blog about this same thing. This is surely a must read for anyone Greek, interested in going Greek, and truly, anyone who has ever interacted with a Greek woman or man.
Even talking about beginning values-based discussions and strengthening our chapter gets me going. I am so excited to be a part of my chapter and to help not only myself, but also my sisters grow and flourish in Alpha Delta Pi and in life. We, as Alpha Delta Pi, pride ourselves in the development of four key points:
"I believe that I must strive to become a well balanced person by following the dictates of the four points symbolized by our diamond shaped badge. First, strengthening my own personality and character, second, watching my attitude toward my fellow beings, third, recognizing the value of high educational standards, and fourth, developing faith and loyalty."

So what happened next? Kathryn and I were sitting at the desk by the front door, answering phones, working on our other projects, etc. etc. It was our first day answering the phone by ourselves (although we had each other) and I don't care what you say or how much you have talked on the phone, it is nerve-wracking at first! We would get a call and one would answer, "Good afternoon, Alpha Delta Pi..." and in that moment of panic and the "what do I do now" face passing on mine or hers, the other of us would stop our work and help. Now there isn't too much to help with when it comes to one phone, but we got through our first day of calls successfully! Having someone there to support you through the littlest of things (like answering a phone) just shows that they'll be there for the big things too.

Sisterhood is [partly] about being there. Being there for the big things, and the small things, and the things in between.
Again, you may ask, "so what?"
Well I'll tell you what. In what organization do you feel comfortable talking to anyone you meet. As an intern here at Alpha Delta Pi's executive office, I am given tasks, and along with those tasks, plenty of questions to ensure that I do my job correctly. Working here, I'm surrounded by members Alpha Delta Pi from all walks of life. I feel comfortable talking to the intern coordinator (well I'd hope so!) but I feel comfortable asking anyone in the office anything I am wondering or concerned about. Mrs. Ablard (the EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR - that means she's the boss and a very big deal) and I have had plenty of conversations, about ADPi or just life. How awesome is that?! Ms. Pinkston (the INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT - HELLO! also a big deal) was in the office today, and I had a question. She was the only one around. I mean, talking to the International President of an organization is pretty intimidating right? I beg to disagree. She was more than willing to answer my question and we even had a good laugh.
Sisterhood is [partly] about being able to talk to anyone and everyone. Being comfortable. Being able to share stories and memories with any sister you meet. Asking questions, and answering, being real with each other.
Sisterhood is just one of the infinite number of reasons Alpha Delta Pi is amazing. It is everything you could ever want from an organization and so much more. I am so fortunate to be able to call every Alpha Delta Pi my sister.
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