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Tuesday night we went to an Atlanta Braves baseball game! It was so much fun (although the Braves didn't have such a great night)!
Today we had a workshop with Jen Webb who is the Executive Director of the Alpha Delta Pi foundation. Established in 1983, the Alpha Delta Pi foundation accepts
tax-deductible gifts to provide essential resources for alpha delta pi
sorority's educational, leadership and philanthropic activities. The foundation
funds a variety of opportunities that benefit alpha delta pi sorority and its
members as well as the preservation of monuments and memorials that are special
to alpha delta pi sorority's place in history.
We are having dinner with the Trustees on Friday night and Jen gave us an exercise that these women actually do! We were given a set amount of dollars and had to decide how to allocate the money to different grant requests. (She didn't give us real money though *sigh* only m&ms!)
At first, we all found it difficult because we all pull from different chapters and atmospheres. Some campuses really benefitted from educational tools like District Leadership Conference while others felt DLC was a bust and the Leadership Consultant Program was what really needed the money. We all talked about what we thought was the most important and impactful to Alpha Delta Pi. It was such a great exercise because it is definitely something so relevant not in just Alpha Delta Pi but in any business aspect. Along with dealing with a financial responsibility we all learned a bit more about effective communication and how to take those skills into aspects in our lives later down the road.
We eventually made a final decision on how we wanted to allocate the money!
These past two days have been a blast! Tomorrow we're having dinner with Ms. Pinkston! SO EXCITED! ☺☺☺☺
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