Tuesday, June 10, 2014

One Week Gone: ADPi Summer Internship 2K14


We're one week into our internship and things here at executive office are going swimmingly!

Last week we had plenty to do.

Day 1: We met everyone in the kitchen, and surprise, they brought us Chicken-Minis from Chick-fil-a! YUMMM. I had never had them before but they were delicious. Then we went downstairs to the training room. Typically we'll start our day in there and either wait to get our assignments or complete projects in the training room. Once we got downstairs, we did a true colors" workshop with Jen Dickinson. She is the Growth and Development Manager at EO. Basically she works on everything expansion related, including colonization projects (my chapter just colonized 2 years ago! ☺)

So the premise of the "test" is that we all have characteristics from four colors: blue, orange, gold, and green. Blue is centered around emotions, orange is all about spontaneity, gold focuses on organization, and green on innovation. You can take the test and see what color you are by clicking on the link below!


The last time I took this was in the fall of 2012. I was a perfect three-way tie with 15 points in Blue, Orange, and Gold. This time, I was a Gold first(15)then an Orange(14), then Blue(13), then Green (8). It is interesting to me to see how your personality slightly changes by where you are in your life. I think I have become more focused and organized since the last time I took the "test" and my positions in Alpha Delta Pi have shaped my leadership into a more leader-oriented "way".

Then we met with each department individually and got to learn a little more about what each specific department did. Our first day was a success!

Day 2: We met with Jen Dickinson again and learned about the expansion. There is so much that goes into the expansion that I didn't know before. Each campus is so particular in so many ways that we have to see if we are a good fit for the campus and if the campus is a good fit for our organization. Then we got a tour of the print shop! We met Robert and got a tour of the print shop after lunch. It is so cool back there, we have a plate-maker just like in a printing press. There is also an old collator and paper cutter, as well as the oldest shrink wrap "machine" I've ever seen. There were TONS of standards codes covering the tables - I'm sure we'll get to organize those soon enough!At the end of the day we got to do phone training. We learned how to transfer calls and put people on hold - daunting tasks for phone newbies.

Day 3: Wednesday morning we had a meeting with Mrs. Ablard. She talked with us about our licensing and marketing. We use Affinity Marketing Consultants for our greek licensing. By using them, we make sure that our organization and brand are never used inappropriately and that we always have only the best representation of Alpha Delta Pi.

Day 4: On Thursday, we all got to go to individual departments and work with them. Abby and I got to work with the Alpha Delta Pi Foundation.

           Established in 1983, the Alpha Delta Pi foundation accepts tax-deductible gifts to provide essential resources for alpha delta pi sorority's educational, leadership and philanthropic activities. The foundation funds a variety of opportunities that benefit alpha delta pi sorority and its members as well as the preservation of monuments and memorials that are special to Alpha Delta Pi sorority's place in history.

We both got to learn about the scholarships that the Alpha Delta Pi Foundation offers at both specific chapters and to any Alpha Delta Pi member. The Foundation also has emergency grants for members of ADPi who have fallen on hard times. This is just another reason that I know Alpha Delta Pi is such an amazing organization.

Day 5: It's Friday! Friday! Gotta get down on Friday! We learned all about social media from Joanie Oben. She's the Marketing and Communications Coordinator. She deals with everything PR related with Alpha Delta Pi and she does a fantastic job! She uses this really cool website to schedule her important tweets (like chapters' centennial congratulations and the like) called hootsuite.com.

After work, we all ventured to Krispy Kreme for DONUT DAY!!!!!!! #whatagreatday Aka. free donuts at Krispy Kreme. Also, as our faces were smushed up against the glass watching the donuts, we were approached by none other than.....new advertising guys for Krispy Kreme! They asked if they could take our pictures eating delicious donuts. Um...DUH. So. If KK decides that is the direction they want to go with their new ads, we might be donut models! #THECOOLEST. right!? I know. Crazy, but who wouldn't want to stuff their face/laugh/be adorable in front of a camera for fun.

On Friday night we went to see the Fault in Our Stars, a movie based on the book by John Green. It was FANTASTIC. Check out my "review" here: http://turntopaige394.blogspot.com/2014/06/okay-okay.html!

On Saturday, I had a soccer game in Chattanooga! (I'm playing with a Women's Premier Soccer League team here in Georgia called the Georgia Revolutions!) The girls all went to the Coke museum! (I went with my family before they left, don't worry, I didn't miss out on "the wonderful world of coke")

Sunday we all reconvened and went to the Virginia Highlands SummerFest! It was about a mile's worth of tents filled with artwork and jewelry and other really interesting/cool things for sale! They also had what looked like TONS of amazing food! A bunch of us got popsicles and of course we had to have a photoshoot!

All in all, I'd say it was an incredible first week experience!
See ya round (like a donut)!
Paige ☺

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