Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Summertime Sadness

As I am starting to begin life on my own, I have come to realize that I have absolutely NO plan whatsoever. I don't know who I am. I don't know what I want to be. I don't know where I want to go. I am lost in a sea of desperation, the waves crashing over my head, suffocating me, blocking out all forms of light.

I am in total darkness.

Where do I go, where do I turn?
Where do I even begin?!

Find yourself.
Finding myself.
How does one even go about finding herself?
Play hide and seek? No.

Here is what i like:
-food (chicken and chocolate mostly)
-polka dots
-fuzzy and/or soft things
-a good book
-Princess Bride
-my wonderful sister (she made me say this...but I'll admit, I do like her a little :p)
-making people happy
-school (i like school a lot...)
-soccer. I love soccer.
-a good cry
-good movies
-my Bible

Here is what I don't like:
-especially green ones
-stupid ends to movies *cough* 500 Days of Summer *cough*
-unhappy people
-grumpy/rude people
-when people are standing right there and don't hold the door open for the little old lady behind them
-words i can't spell
-sketchy people

Now where do I go from here? Am I passionate about anything? As horrible as it sounds...not really. If I could do anything with my life (no restrictions on time, money, or talent) here's what i would do.

1. Grow up (or not) and get married, start a family of my own. Raise my awesome children (2 boys and a girl) and give my family the world. Once my own children I have birthed are all grown up I want to adopt foster children (especially high school, I've heard that that's when it's the hardest) and raise them and help them get into college and be their awesome mom and be there for them and do something for these kids that had nothing.

2. Go to school. Forever. I love school. And learning, I could learn for forever. I'm such an inquisitive person, always asking questions, always. Sometimes just for the purpose of conversation, mostly because I'm intrigued, or confused, or I want to know more. Everything is just so interesting, I want to know it all.

So now what?
Who am I?


lol Les Mis reference :) i hope someone in the world appreciated that.
But in all seriousness.
How does one even begin to find out ANY of this?
Personality quizzes online? Tried that...noooope.
Every online quiz I have taken just says, oh, you like cats, awesome, be an old cat lady.

The moon is the answer, the stars are my guide, but the night sky is covered with clouds tonight.

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