Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Why must we, and by we I mean me...I'm working on it though, always bring others around us down? Why do we have to make it Paige: Pity Party of 8 rather than just Paige: Party of 1. Emphasis on the PARTY! Most people I know are very obvious about their bad days. They slump, the slouch, they complain, they sigh and moan and on and on till one cannot ignore it any longer. Then comes the sob story, then two people are left in yucky, grumpy moods. Or they throw their yuck attitude onto everyone else. Just because I'm having a bad day doesn't mean I have the right to ruin everyone else's. If someone is having a bad day and they need to talk it out, go for it! I'm all for that, but pushing a mopey attitude onto someone else just isn't fair. I know that sometimes I have trouble with this and I am working on it. It's written on my mirror so I see it every day when I wake up and every night before I go to sleep. It's a nice reminder that I'm not the only one here. Everyone has their bad days here and there, but remember, keep it positive :) Smile darn ya, Smile!

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