So this semester has definitely been a wild ride. Let's just say that me being my goody-two-shoes self
Paige wants to sit at home on Saturday night and watch a movie with her best friend.
*drunk phone call from another friend that they need a ride*
"I'll be right there" *Paige gets up from AWESOME movie and drive to pick up said drunk-o*
*Paige doesn't get to finish movie*
*Paige is kind of sad*
Now I'm not saying that going to pick up a drunk friend is wrong, or that it is the most horrible incident in my life. I'm just saying that perhaps wasn't my first choice of activity for Saturday night.
My rationale: I didn't have a fun, crazy, screw-up, wild freshman semester so I can have one now.
My sad, sad realization when I was too far gone: Once you're a junior, you can't afford to just decide to take your fun semester.
Now, I'm also not saying that I went out and got belligerently drunk every night and never went to class and partied every weekend and did all these other crazy things I don't know exist that college kids do. But yeah, I actually went to parties, and maybe I skipped a few classes. SUE ME, it's college. It happens. SO sometimes I procrastinated. And sometimes that was really sucky at 11 pm on a Sunday night.
In a lot of ways, it's been a truly awesome semester. For example *in Hermione's voice*
I met these people
mostly, I met this woman.
She has seriously been the biggest blessing in my life. Although I have only known her for a few months, I am closer with her than many people I have known my whole life. She is my rock and I am #blessed to have her in my life. I can't even begin to imagine trying to get through this semester without her. From that weird girl on the team, to friends, to sisters, I love you more ( + 1 of whatever you say times infinity).

I have gotten to spend so much time with her. She is seriously the most fun human I know, she always knows how to put me in a good mood and I can always have a great time with her. She is the most talented soccer player I know. I can count on her on and off the field and during this semester, I have gotten so close to her and I am so thankful to have her in my life.
And, being honest, a lot of great things have come out of this semester. I had probably the best experience with my soccer team this year, and that is super awesome.
SO GUESS WHAT. Tomorrow, we leave for the NCAA tournament, aka the national tournament, aka HOW EXCITING. okay, so because I am so pumped, here is a random sample of fun soccer pictures, YAY.

Basically these people are pretty much the coolest.
Okay, well Iiiiiiiii think that's all for now folks!
So, um, adios. ☺
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