Friday, May 30, 2014

Summer Internship 2K14: ADPi Edition

Today was the beginning of an adventure that I'm lucky enough to call Summer 2014! I arrived in Atlanta, GA last night and today spent my first day at Memorial Headquarters and Executive Office of Alpha Delta Pi. I met six of my seven other roommates (Abby is coming later) and they are an amazing group of women. I feel so privileged to call them my sisters and call 1386 Ponce my home for the summer.

Tomorrow we will get an official tour of both EO and Memorial Headquarters then Amanda (our intron coordinator) and Mrs. Ablard (the Executive Director) are taking us to lunch! I am so lucky to be working so closely with both of them this summer. Amanda is not only our intern coordinator but our Collegiate Relations Coordinator as well! I have worked with her (via emails and phone calls of course) about our chapter's new members and initiation status and I know that I will learn so much from her during the six weeks I will be here. Linda Ablard is an amazing woman and as the Executive Director she holds a high position in ADPi and holds much responsibility. Along with these two wonderful women I will be working alongside and learning  from, I am also fortunate enough to have the opportunity to work with our International Grand President, Tammie S. Pinkston.

Lucky me, I got a letter and a gift bag from Ms. Pinkston herself!

This is the beautiful house I will be staying at all summer! 

 I am so excited for what is in store this summer! I get to attend leadership seminar as well. I know that there will be so many amazing experiences and I have so many wonderful opportunities!

Signing off on her first day!
Paige ☺

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