Friday, May 30, 2014

Hey Party People! 2K14 Internship Day 2

The end of day 2 has come but it certainly has not gone; not quite yet anyway!

Today was filled with getting to know yous! So I'll introduce them all ☺

This is Kayla, she is currently the Recruitment and Management Vice President and last term she served as chapter President. She is a member of the Alpha Epsilon chapter at University of Nebraska!

This is Erin, she is currently the Membership Education Vice President (holla MEVPs!!!) and will be attending Adelphean Compass as a fill in for chapter president (how exciting!) She is a member of the Epsilon Eta  chapter at Mississippi State!

This is Kathryn, she is currently serving as Chapter President at Zeta Rho, aka Vanderbilt University. She was the Recruitment and Marketing VP previously!

Hey there party people! This is Kelly, she is currently serving as Chapter President as well. Previously, she served as the Executive Vice President. She is a member of the Delta Gamma chapter at the University of Arizona!

This is Alex (or Alexandria ☺), she is the Director of Standards and Ethics for her chapter - #toughestjobever what a trooper! She was a member at the Gamma Rho chapter of Arizona State and is currently a member of Theta Gamma at Sonoma State!

This is Abby, she is currently the Executive Vice President at her chapter. She is a member of the Alpha Kappa chapter at the University of Tennessee - Knoxville!

And last but certainly not least is Lyndsey! Previously she was the Membership Education VP. She is a chapter member at the Zeta Omega chapter at the University of Central Florida!

Kelly and I went for a run this morning around our cute neighborhood, and lemme tell ya, the humidity here is KILLER on the lungs - hopefully we'll adapt quickly!  We got back to our beautiful house to find our six once sleeping sisters wide awake and ready to prepare for the day.

There were seven of us (soon to be eight) getting ready in this bathroom this morning; we all share one shower; so with seven girls prettying ourselves up for the day...well, you can imagine the struggle. Hopefully we'll fall into a routine soon! Maybe our mornings getting ready will not be quite as hectic once we all settle into a better schedule #fingerscrossed

Amanda gave us a tour of our beautiful home (Memorial Headquarters) and Executive Office in the morning. Our home is gorgeous and has tons of old memorabilia from presidents past. There are so many cool and interesting things to learn about ADPi. There are even badges from when we were Alpha Delta Phi (we changed to Alpha Delta Pi because there was a men's fraternity with the same name #confusing)

Later we got to have lunch with Amanda, our boss, Linda Ablard, and none other than Ms. Pinkston herself! She may honestly be the coolest woman I have ever met. Rumor has it that she has two wardrobes and doesn't wear an outfit twice in a year! HOW AWESOME IS THAT!!!!! Here's a pic. of this awesome lady.

what a star 

Abby got here this afternoon as well! YAY! We're finally a complete group!

We took an adventure to the grocery store and we all bought waaayyyy too much stuff!

This is just one of 3-4 carts that we had and it's completely full
*insert sheepish look here*

Tonight is our first weekend night here! We're just having a girls night in tonight watching We Are the Millers and eating Ben and Jerry's #typical but we're so excited! Love all these girls already and I'm so excited to spend the summer with them!

Paige ☺

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