Monday, September 29, 2014


Once upon a time there was a girl named Paige, and although she generally seemed to have a happy disposition, this was not always the case. Often, she, like so many before her, had bad days. And one day she thought to herself, "I'm done having bad days!"

So she stopped.

haha just kidding. Because everyone has bad days, and that's not just something you can choose to stop doing...(technically speaking).

So Paige is scrolling through her Facebook news feed (or whatever it's called nowadays) and she sees this post from a friend.

"Day 67 of my 100 days is ________. *insert picture* [post talks about why pictured thing makes her happy]." And I (Paige..) think to myself, "wow, this seems really cool."

So I looked into it. ( And it definitely sounded really cool. Basically the premise is this: Be happy for 100 days. What? That seems really hard. What if you have a really bad day? You can't help that. What if something disastrous happens, something you can't recover from. Well, there's the challenge. Now, starting out, it's probably close to impossible to be happy 100% of the time. Okay, definitely impossible. When someone messes up your order at Starbucks Monday morning, our mindsets automatically go to something along the lines of "Monday's suck, I hate today, blah blah blah."


So this website, and I suppose yourself, challenge you to find one thing that makes you happy each day. Just one. That's like picking a letter out of alphabet soup. So you find your happy thing for the day and you post a picture of it. whaaaaaaat. that sounds so easy right!

it is.

okay, well most of the time it is. I'm not gonna lie. I've been doing this challenge for about 60 days and a couple of those days, at the end of the day when I sat down to think of my happy for the day, it was very difficult. But that's the cool thing about this challenge. That even on your darkest days, you need to recognize that something good came out of that day. Maybe it was just hearing your favorite song on the radio and that's it.

But that's not it! How awesome is it that you were able to find something good that happened in a day full of gloom? It's not about changing your life. It's about changing your mindset. Instilling positivity into every day.

Lemme tell you about my experience. Like I said, I've been doing this challenge for quite awhile now. At first, it was hard. Sometimes it took me forever to find something happy. But within about a week, I realized that this was something really cool. I began to notice a change in myself, in my days. I was [am] incredibly stressed all the time. But it didn't [doesn't] seem to matter as much. I truly feel like I haven't been having bad days, bad weeks. My days are good. almost all the time too!

You don't think that finding one happy thing a day could do this right? I didn't think so either. It seemed like such a trivial challenge. I thought it would be fun to try. I figured I'd give up within a week. But i didn't! Of course, I missed a couple days here and there (usually because I fell asleep before I even had time to post something) but I always went back and made them up. It's weird to think that such a small thing can (and I don't want to be dramatic here but I genuinely think it's real and true) turn your life around. That's right. I said it. It can turn your life around.

So it's my challenge to you, readers, world, humanity.

Find something that makes you happy every day. Post a picture about it. On facebook, instagram, tumblr, on a word document your keeping to yourself. The point of posting is not to brag to the world that you're happy. It's to share your happiness with the world.

If you need some inspiration or are curious to how it works, you can look at mine ( or you can just search the hashtag #100HappyDays!

Find one thing every day that makes you happy.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


“Mr. and Mrs. Dursley of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much.” However, the Wizarding World of Harry Potter was quite unordinary; in fact, it was extraordinary, exquisite, and everything in between. Just picture Diagon Alley. No, wait, here, I’ll just show it to you.

Now, picture yourself walking through it….oh wait, you can actually walk through it. Check it out….

Woah. Crazy right! Look at all these random people. They’re actually walking though Diagon Alley. Trust me, I did it too. Proof? I took this picture, doiii. ☺ SO EXCITING RIGHT!!!!
YES. Obviously that’s exciting. And if you don’t think so then stop reading now because that’s lame and crazy and I can’t have crazy people trying to comprehend the absolute AWESOMENESS that is Harry Potter.
Okay, so here’s the deal. There is (was) a Wizarding World of Harry Potter at one of the parks at Universal Studios in Orlando. And then, people (aka me) were all, “WE WANT MORE!” So Universal was just like, well, OK! Let’s do it! So they built another park. AND IT’S FRIGGIN COOL. (Duh, it’s Harry Potter) And it opened in July…and I went in July…so it was packed. So there’s this ride there. The Escape from Gringotts (the wizarding bank). Aka it’s brand new. And it takes you through (in the 7th book) Harry and his “posse’s” [get this] escape from Gringotts [wow]. And if you’ve seen the movie, it’s a pretty intense, awesome, radical scene. So we get in line for this ride. The park opened July 8, 2014. I went on July 16, 2014. So it’s brand new. So the wait time was about 5 hours (and that was us being one of the first people in the park). So naturally, Paige (that’s me!), takes on the endeavor of live tweeting her progression and status as she waits in line. Check it.
The five hours was well worth the wait
Guys that was so good. Maybe I cried a bit.

People are applauding as they get off! #goodsign
Doing calf raises in line to pass the time #stayingfit
But I got some cool shades

Thought I was in... just to find another line.....

The things some people wear to these parks......
So close      

3 hours down, 1.5 to go
Some girl just said "I dont wanna ride this.." im sorry. What. Are you insane. #bye
They only let a certain number of people in Harry Potter world #exclusive
Lets play a game: how many more delays will there be before paige rides the escape from gringotts
We have once again returned to normal operations. WOOHOO ONLY TWO MORE HOURS TILL I RIDE IT
Getting a death glare from a 12 year old across the line... dont look at me like that I didnt make this line stop
Gringotts is experiencing more delays....oh the things I do for you harry potter
Snoozin' while we wait #lines

The girl next to me is explaining everything about harry potter to her friend.... if you aren't a fan, leave. I WANNA RIDE
 Paige Matacchiera retweeted
@paigeamber29 I eat Ravenclaws for lunch. #slytherinpride
Got some butterbeer #happy

She's a Ravencaw. She says, "the cleverest"
20 bucks shes a hufflepuff
Making my sister get a pottermore before I let her ride this ride
Girl in her Gryffindor gear. Got the lanyard, the shirt, and my personal favorite, shorts with Gryffindor on the butt
Live tweeting from the line, it might be awhile but fingers crossed for some twitter worthy news
And so the 5 hour wait begins
"We are pleased to announce that the ride is restored and fully operational...." *entire line erupts into loud cheers*
Gringotts ride delayed.......

Okay, so maybe I’m a little insane…. But really I just love Harry Potter so you can’t actually hate on that. Anyway, as I waited in this 5 hour line, the anticipation built up higher and higher and my expectations for this ride were through the roof. I mean, this ride had to be GOOOOOOD for how long I waited. I cried. *I CRIED.*I CRIED*  It was amazing and perfect in every single way. I can’t even begin to describe how spot on, wonderful it was.

Okay. What else happened?

So good.
So good.
Honestly, I didn’t think I would like it. People described it as “butterscotch-y”…ew? NO. heaven. I can’t describe it. It’s indescribable. Also delicious.

Olivander’s wand shop. Okay, so you know in the movies. And Hagrid’s all, “You’re a wizard Harry.” And then they’re shopping for wands. And then this happens:

Okay, well that happened to me. LEGIT. It did. Swear. My wand is 111/2” Ivy with a dragon heart string core. (so what? I’m a nerd. Just deal with it). Usually, you can only buy character wands (so like Harry’s or Draco’s or the Elder Wand, etc. you get the gist) unless you get chosen to get “fitted” for a wand. WELL I DID. So I got a special wand. JUST FOR ME. That’s really cool.

Basically I went to HP World 2 days and they were the best 2 days of my life. Here are some pretty rad pictures of the rest of it. ☺


Ze castle                                                                     Hagrid’s Hut


I left HP World incredibly happy. Nothing could bring me down. “All was well.”

Monday, September 22, 2014

She's alive! She's alive! She is so alive!

8:00 am Monday morning, she rolls over to check the time. 8:00 am? She wants to be a little annoyed with how early it is but she can't; she feels perfectly rested, she woke up on her own, no alarms buzzing in the background. As standard in this day and age, she reaches for her phone and checks all the social media apps she can find before realizing there's no hope in going back to sleep. She hops out of bed and into the bathroom, brushing her teeth and hair and deciding today is a no make up day. She goes back to her room and pulls on the closest clean t-shirt she can find - she's definitely going for the comfortable look today. She grabs her backpack and computer and heads straight for Starbucks. "Grande caramel iced coffee and a lemon pound cake please," as she partakes in early morning exchanges with the barista. She gets her coffee, pulls out her computer, and begins to write. 

What a perfect way to begin the morning. Hello world, it’s actually me! I’m alive! You may be wondering where the heck I’ve been for the past two months, but don’t worry, I didn’t actually die – it only felt like it. I suppose here is where I begin a “life update” so to speak. I’ll let you in on all my happenings and whereabouts and such and tell you all my secrets from the past couple months! (wow so exciting right! …Obviously… my life is full of secrets *insert hair flip emoji and sarcastic face emoji*)

Now before I begin, why should you, a perfectly spectacular, random in all the best ways, typical human want to read this post (or blog in general) or even care about my “life update”. In a lot of ways, I really can’t answer that question. Maybe I’m crazy and that’s intriguing. Maybe, just maybe, I might say something interesting. It’s possible that I’ve faced something in my life that you can relate to and that gives you hope in knowing that you are NOT alone! (how exciting!) Or maybe my weird quirks just happen to be entertaining and I can put a smile on your face for even a short time.

Okay, but here’s the deal. Two months is a lot to sum up. So throughout the week (hopefully *fingers crossed*) I’ll be posting smaller posts about my life. WOOO! Get excited, because lemme tell ya, it’s pretty exciting! Okay? Okay. Class time now so I shall "see" you crazy, beautiful souls soon!

L8r friends 