Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Truest Sentence You Know

"All you have to do is write one true sentence. Write the truest sentence you know." -Ernest Hemmingway

Each day is a new day. Begin it with a yawn, a smile, and a thank you for the chance to be given this day. Be a morning person. Smile at everyone you see. Today is YOUR day. Do not compare it to anyone else's. You may encounter strife, setbacks, and struggles. So not complain about them and do not let them get you down; there is so much more to smile about. Find something (or someone) to love. Love them with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength. "Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." Find a passion, share a dream. Laugh. Be silly or goofy or weird or quirky. Be young. Be intelligent. Think before you speak and then do not regret what you say. Never apologize when you are not ready to, or if you are not in the wrong. Make mistakes, it shows you are trying, it makes you who you are. Take one moment a day to cry - but only for something you care so deeply about that it would hurt more not to cry. Do not push your problems or hurt onto others. Remember that everyone has baggage. Do not assume. Live today as if it were your last. Be able to light up a room with your mood, your personality, and your smile. Write, read, love, smile, laugh, dream, sing, pray. When the day is gone and done, crawl into bed, completely exhausted because you gave every part of your soul to today. Think a thought, dream a dream, close your eyes,  and smile yourself to sleep.

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