Sunday, June 2, 2013


Well hello again. Sorry I've been gone for so long! Didja miss me? So obviously I haven't blogged in awhile, I was kind of waiting for something newsworthy to happen, however we both know that my life is far from newsworthy.


So I've been starting to write. Actually write, not blog about my pointless life shenanigans. But it's only poems and songs. And they're all either very Taylor Swift-esque and I have no life I just want to be loved blah blah blah or very depressing and sad (same thing, I know, sue me).

There's a part of me that wants to share my writing, however, we both know that that is incredibly nerve-racking  to have someone read your work, especially if you don't know who the heck the person reading it is... so I'll just share something I wrote in my sophomore English class to test the waters.
Disclaimer: It's really lame and cheesy but I'm not going to share the one I think is really good. So there's that..

English Poem (that's the title, embarrassing huh?)
I had to write a poem
for my English class.
I thought to myself,
"wow - I don't stand a chance"

I sat there and thought
and I got one line done.
I looked down at my paper,
I had finally begun!

I just started writing,
then I couldn't stop,
all my new poems in a pile
with this one on top.

So I sat there and read
and I read there and thought
and when I chose what to read
I chose this and said, "Why not?"

So this is the poem
I'm reading to you.
I hope that you like it
because I know that I do.

Bahahahaha cheesy huh??? TOLD YOU.
I think I like writing, if I ever really had the time and patience to just sit and write. Or if I had anything to say (again, which is why I haven't blogged in awhile)

Well I hope you have all had a wonderful day. :)

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