#Subtweet. Today there is such emphasis on social media and the things you say, the pictures you post, the locations you check in at, but why must these things always stress the negatives of other people. I don't enjoy reading "subtweets" at all, ever. They make me uncomfortable, sorry for whoever they are directed at, and nosy as to why there is even the need to be "subtweeted" when it is entirely not my business at all.
Trust me, I know, if I'm lookin' cute one day, I'm like "Oh picture! Better instagram that cause I look great," and that's fine. But especially on twitter, I see people attacking others all the time. The point of social media (or so I think) is to share your life and what is happening with you; by no means is it the time or place to tear down another person's ideas, thoughts, beliefs, feelings, self-esteem, or self-worth.
If you (not specifically you, just people in general) have a problem with someone, address that concern. WITH THEM, IN PERSON, IN PRIVATE. not "omg i cannot believe you even thought about talking to me today, get out, we don't want you here #subtweet" Honestly, what does that do for anyone?? It makes everyone reading it uncomfortable; it makes people who even remotely think it could maybe, possibly be about them incredibly upset and worried; and it makes you look rude and incredibly immature in front on hundreds of people within a few seconds.
Already with the world we are living in, we don't get to care about our own thoughts and beliefs. We "have" to be worried about what everyone else will think and say before we even consider how we might feel about the shirt we're wearing or the fact that we skipped church to study for our huge final. No matter what you say or do, there will always be something wrong with that choice, but by no means does that mean you should give in to everyone else. Live life for yourself. That being said, yes you do have the freedom of not caring what other people say or think or feel, so you can post nasty things, attack people, and bad mouth them, because you're not supposed to care what other think. But shouldn't we have the decency to care about how that will make others feel? Not only does posting "subtweets" or negative things hurt other people every day emotionally and physically, but it is not mature at all. As a young woman in college, I would hope that every one of my peers would feel similar to me, that "subtweets" are not something we would like to be reading or posting. If there is a problem, address it in the adult manner, after all, we are all adults now, aren't we?
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